The other day I was discussing a same thing with a friend studying computer science and he made a very valid point. He said that when it comes to recognize faces, computers can only recognize the faces already fed to them while a human mind recognizes 'patterns'. So humans can recognize a person even after thirty of forty years when the face of that person had changed considerably. Computers, on the other hand, can't perceive that change and would fail to recognize the face. (But who knows that in future they could build such computers that could recognize patterns too!)
Today read a paper Interest and Modern Economy, by Dr Asad Zaman and Arshad Zaman. Dr Asad Zaman is a PhD in economics from Stanford Univers...
Heart's Testification
Truly, all praise belongs to (God), we praise Him, seek His help and His forgiveness; And we seek refuge with Allâh from the evil of our selves and from our misdeeds. Whomsoever Allâh guides, none can [cause to] deviate; and whomsoever He [causes to] deviate, none can guide. I testify that there is no deity [worthy of worship] except Allâh, He is alone, having no partners, and I [further] testify that is His slave and His [final] Messenger.
Misplacement of Comedy
About this Blog
'Ah hello! its nice to see you (all) here. By now the (more) perceptive of you realised, this is hell. And, I'm the devil. But you can call me Toby, if you like to. We try to keep things informal here as well as infernal. That's just a little joke of mine, I tell it everytime'.
4 did criticisms:
"The computer is only a fast idiot, it has no imagination; it cannot originate action. It is, and will remain, only a tool to man"
"Man"made in literal and symbolic ways.Remember,almost all GPS devices have female(voice) giving directions!
O'man,we are so lost:)
Thanks for reading though.
The other day I was discussing a same thing with a friend studying computer science and he made a very valid point. He said that when it comes to recognize faces, computers can only recognize the faces already fed to them while a human mind recognizes 'patterns'. So humans can recognize a person even after thirty of forty years when the face of that person had changed considerably. Computers, on the other hand, can't perceive that change and would fail to recognize the face. (But who knows that in future they could build such computers that could recognize patterns too!)
Dear A. Shahid,
Nice comment.
I believe humans will one day be able to replicate in totality human brain, as created and sustained by God!
Humble Regards!
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