(transcription of the comic below)
To PhD or not
To Phd...
That is the question.
Whether 'tis saner in
The mind to suffer the slights and putdowns of
Outra-geous faculty...
Or to take data despite advisor grumbles,
And by graduating, end them?
To graduate: to sleep; once more;
And, by a PhD to say
We end the back-ache
And thousand financial debts that
Grads are heir to.
'Tis a commencement
Devoutly to be wished
To graduate; to sleep...
To nap; perchance
To dream...
3 did criticisms:
i actually was thinking this a few months back: another MS or PhD. Destiny chose 'engagement' for me. But the previous question remains the same way. Hmmm, another MS or PhD?
I am very sorry for that.
But thanks to the genius of Hamlet, one doesn't still think of disposing off this reflecting machine!
Thanks for visiting.
i like your blog, ill keep visiting insha Allah ;)
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