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'Do you make sense, Umer?'
I cannot answer. Allow me to become the sea once more.
Is Golablization Inevitable, Irreversible?
Apart from this, such annotations and connotations for a process called globalization raise logical questions about the certainty and finality of these ideologies. If globalization (the exact opposite of tribalism) is supposed to be an unstoppable phenomenon, which it is called upon by some academicians, then why still its definition is termed too dynamic to be explicitly stated as a whole? That is, you cannot limit its definition or even define it fully by assuming that this process has shown all of its manifestations; and that now no further study of historical processes is required to deduce an all-rounded and exact definition of this phenomenon, process or philosophy ('3 Ps' as called by Ali Muqteda). To be precise, my question is: Why this process has not completed and turned into a condition?
There is no argument over the fact that since globalization has never been a modern or post-modern phenomenon, it has evolved over hundreds of centuries and still continues to be so. But is it correct to label such a phenomenon, process or philosophy, which may be as lethal for humanity as tribalism, unstoppable? Are we becoming a victim of arrow of time, which has inherited in its forward flow some diabolical cruelties, so much unavoidable? Is this whole notion human?
Evil, Offense, Deception...
"The diabolic iniquity committed by the wanton malefactor was insidious, flagrant, and repugnant." (From, Vocabulary for College, 3rd Ed.)
Battlefield - An Exotic Classroom For Geeks
"'The Unforgiving Minute” is Captain Mullaney’s attempt to reconcile the precombat lessons that seemed so clear to him with the exigencies of battlefield experience... It’s the inner journey of a man who is at first eager to learn as much as he can from service and scholarship. Later on he learns from his mistakes." (Read its complete review here.)
Love, Arthur, Love!

There is no salvation for the soul
But to fall in Love.
It has to creep and crawl
Among the Lovers first.
Only Lovers can escape
From these two worlds.
This was written in creation.
Only from the heart Heart
Can you reach the sky.
The rose of Glory
Can only be raised in the Heart.
Although you want me to be myself, but think again. Does humanity need my rants and endless prose and poetry, devoid of best wisdom? When Rumi's perfume still afresh, fragrant, when yours and mine world, globalized unevenly, unfairly? Think again. And answer. What should I do?
Thought of the day
Human Vocal Tract
Vocal tract is the cavity which produces voice. Human vocal tract is said to be unique from that of all other animals. Human language from all aspects remains quite unique. The adjoining diagram shows a vocal tract, we all share. As the primary medium of language is speech, historically and quantitatively (e.g. about 6000 languages are not written, but spoken), so is the vocal tract important.
* Source of the image:
An Optimizing Rational Decision
Just before a boy enters the barbershop, the barber tells his customer, "This is the dumbest kid in the world.Watch." The barber puts a dollar in one open palm and 50 cents in the other and asks the kid, "Which do you want?" The boy takes the 50-cent coin and leaves.
"See?" says the barber, laughing. Later, the customer passes the boy, who is standing outside a candy store. "Why'd you take the 50-cents and not the dollar?" he asks.
"Because," says the boy, "the day I take the dollar, the game's over."!
In Economics, there is no great importance assigned to a perfect decision. Rather to that decision which can maximize one's profit, especially in the long run. I will be mentioning this 'trade-off' by the kid in my microeconomics class and see how many students label this trade-off, rationally, most appropriate one, if not best.
Islamic Language?
"The Quran is perfect just the way it is, that's why it is only written in Islamic."
He has been loathed by all kind of language hats. Why should I remain behind, alluding to you not to embarrass yourself with this kind of a blooper? To correct the facts, Quran was revealed and written in Arabic and it is believed in the Tradition that the Koranic Arabic language inherently contains an eternal effect which gives its enchanter divine blessing or bliss. As we all know, Islamic is no know human language. Does this prove how little knowledge can be dangerous? It can be in many ways.
However, despite the fact that everyone is ridiculing ex-Senator, his intentions were very honest and need to be appreciated by everyone. His whole speech reflected the spirits of reconciliation, which is alone to be admired.
In the Memory of Sigmund Freud
What evil is: not as we thought,
Deeds that must be punished, but our lack of faith,
Our dishonest mood of denial,
The concupiscence of the oppressor.
'A Poignant Picture of Punjabi Life'
Should we not read Economist about a new collection of stories by an American brought-up Pakistani, who throws vivid light on the complex culture of his soil? IN OTHER ROOMS, OTHER WONDERS, is Daniyal Mueenuddin’s first debut which is about the life of a Pakistani feudal lord. But there is a lot more magic in this than a mere fictional biography of an aging landlord, which justly makes it a literary piece of work by painting things in a large canvas of Pakistani society, especially of Punjab. Nothing could make a foreign journalist describe the Pakistani society so accurately than the stories carved by Mueenuddin, that:
IN PAKISTAN life is shaped as much by who you know as what you do. In this remarkable debut, a range of characters rich in practical intelligence demonstrate the importance of influence. An electrician burdened with 12 daughters persuades his employer to give him a motorcycle; a servant sleeps her way into maintaining her position in a Lahore household; a down-at-heel woman pleads for a post with a distant rich relation. (Economist.)Therefore, connections are very much the necessity here. Now some words about the archetypal stories by Daniyal Mueenuddin:
Passing from the mannered drawing rooms of Pakistan’s cities to the harsh mud villages beyond, Daniyal Mueenuddin’s linked stories describe the interwoven lives of an aging feudal landowner, his servants and managers, and his extended family, industrialists who have lost touch with the land... A hard-driven politician at the height of his powers falls critically ill and seeks to perpetuate his legacy; a girl from a declining Lahori family becomes a wealthy relative’s mistress, thinking there will be no cost; an electrician confronts a violent assailant in order to protect his most valuable possession... (Daniyal Mueendin website.)
Pakistan is said to be well understood by its inhibitors and much misunderstood by the outsiders. Hopefully this collection of short stories, praised by both Mohsin Hamid and Salman Rushdie, will remove any misconceptions in the minds of foreigners, which can save many lives. Moreover, it can remove the number of dejected hearts who often come here with the romantic notion of receiving bliss from the perfume of Pakistan, and return with many natural shocks. I see hope. (Very poignant.)
A Nation That Lacks Few Worthy Administrators
"The bombing, which targeted the funeral of a Shiite man who had been shot in the city a day earlier, set off a chain reaction of chaos in the city of about a million people on the edge of Pakistan's lawless tribal areas.
Enraged mobs attacked local security forces, ransacked shops and surrounded hospitals as members of the funeral procession struggled to secure treatment for the wounded, according to the mayor, Abdur Rauf."
Read more here:
*Sat-Chit-Ānanda usually translated as “Being-Consciousness-Bliss.”
* Most “essential” and metaphysical translation - “Object-Subject-Union.”
* At the highest level this ternary (three-fold) may also be expressed as “Known-Knower-Knowledge” or “Beloved-Lover-Love.”
* Operative or spiritual meaning related to invocatory prayer, such as the Prayer of Jesus (Christianity), japa (Hinduism), and dhikr (Islam). Here it takes the form of “Invoked-Invoker-Invocation” (in Islamic terms madhkūr-dhākir-dhikr).
Cool thought of the day
"...There are beings who live because other beings have light, and there are beings who die because someone lets their lamp go out."
I received this thoughtful sentence in an email footnote-cum-quote. But who can grasp the underlying meaning, expressed with great clarity, and with a little twist in the language, making it a nice aphorism? It is only a deeply penetrating, yet easily imaginable, an observation, interpreted after what was heard and seen through a being's eye of the heart, and not a by-product of abstract mental visualizing technique. But have you noticed how co-eternal is this observation with your and mine existence? And what give words like these power to fly so high; defeat the boundaries of space and time, yet without living on the periphery of the whole reality, rather at the heart of it?
Two Pre-Sophia Philosophers & Their Concept of God
'Brave'. They were brave. That is my first reaction about them. They rebelled against the masses and rejected what they considered as wrong, especially about religious philosophies, which is the primary concern of this post. Popular religion in their period was of many gods. A long list of them - begotten gods, sons of god, images of gods, etc, etc. Whereas, their polytheistic notion about god was "countered with a more philosophic conception of one god, the source in some way of the entire universe and the power behind all the phenomena of the universe."
I can highlight two such philosophers, whom I consider to be brave thinkers. One is Xenophanes and the other was Heraclitus. Both had a great contempt for the religion of public. Heraclitus condemned their religions in this way, "And to these images they pray, just as if one were to converse with men's houses, for they know not what gods and heroes are." Whereas Xenophanes, belonging to the sixth century B.C., "proclaimed that God was one and unchangeable." He condemned the popular notions of god as beings like us. "Yes, and if oxen or lions had hands, and could paint with their hands and produce works of art as men do, horses would paint the forms of gods like horses and oxen like oxen. Each would represent them with bodies according to the form of each," he wrote. He thought that God was unlike us, the mortals. And that He is the First and the Last, or to say that He had neither any beginning nor any end, "an eternal unity." Although he rejected polytheism and believed in monotheism, he however has been called pantheist in the book Basic Teachings of the Great Philosophers*, because he thought that God is the world. "A belief that everything in the universe is God, and God is everything in the universe," the book says. This position, of pantheism, is not acceptable in all three great monotheistic religions of the world, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
* All the quotes in this article were taken from this book.
Globalization: The Pathos of Circular Definitions

'Sir, what is globalization?'
Coincidentally, just coincidentally, I am attending a special sociology course on globalization, and we are also supposed to know it the way it is taught and not the way things are. A common spectacle, I presume. Not know what scholars say and contest. Not know what history says. Not follow where history goes, and thus to analyze it properly. Not think outside of those trite, rotten and dry textbook definitions, which being absolutely devoid of any intellectual stimulation and enthusiasm only dull our minds.
'Son, it comes from the village', the answer comes back like a bullet.
[What about it???]
'You see, a village is were we all come from, or perhaps from urban areas, but villages are more prestigious, right? So all the problem it has got to do is not with the globalization, but with the village. And since there's always an outrageous chaudhary, (financially and socially the elite person(s) in a typical village, who dominates others in one way or another), out there, hence there are certains problems, you know'.
'No sir, I'm asking where did it come from, that globalization thing?'
'Oh! I see. It comes from the global village. And now, I know, you'd be intrigued enough to know, where did that come from. Therefore, I must tell you - from the village. Yes, I think. Now. Enlarge that village. Stretch it on a globe, one available in our library (a round model of globe). And, here we have a fine example of a global village. Further, son, the process of turning and transforming this village by stretching it on a plastic globe is what we, academically and commonly, refer to as globalization'.
*Huge applause*
The converstaion thus naturally ends here.
A sound echoing in our minds, 'And where did that come from, the village, SIR??? From globalization???'
Conclusion: We are but victims to the circular definitions of enlightened professors, who can profess it so easily and in the same fashion slip away.
'O earth! show me your nets!'
* Image source:
Arab Rhetoric
Be it a conversation (even poetic) or a sound literary piece of work, Arabs are very indirect in their expression. As for the style – hyperbolism, ellipsis, simile, metaphors, tautology, their balagah is full of them. An Arab has a reputation. It has a certain character (I will show it just not now) which gives a peculiar shape to its balagah. That character, psychological in nature, is inherited after a long time of conditioning. A Semite character, as Frithjof Schuon calls it.
But wait!
What is balagah?
If you know this word, please forgive me for the redundancy. Balagah, precisely, is just a synonym of term rhetoric. Apart from their rhetoric, the later doctrinal works of Arab Sufis and scholars were evidently focused on Islamic spirituality. And despite this fact, the psychological imprints of conditioning on this nation did produce intelligible and vivid effect on their rhetorical and scientific and theological works, as well.
What is that psychological character I just mentioned that has shaped its rhetoric, giving birth to indirect use of speech? If you recall, Allah didn’t blame the believers (Arabs in that case) for their inconsiderate oaths. F. Schuon says that the Arab has inherited such a volatile temperament that “it would draw a sword for ‘just a yea or nay’!” So are his expressions, volatile and spontaneous. But the Arab tongue is subtle too. It doesn’t follow its immediate nature; rather it resorts to the Semite’s way of expression.
How does it say the truth? Say it nakedly? No. He cannot afford to. Rather, he would follow the injunction of Gospel which advises “not to cast pearls before Swine nor to give what is sacred to dogs”. Just like the Arab covers women, abstains from wine, to save themselves from befuddling and intoxicating, he covers his language too. He must not say what can drive people mad with the ‘naked truth’. Arab’s tongue is thus filled with ellipsis and hyperbolism, as well with metaphors and tautology. This character of his native expression resembles to Semite’s way of expression, notes Schuon. And, also, this is what makes its rhetoric so much so rich of ‘indirect expressions’. And without baffling today's already baffled.
In a lonely desert, with my Arab friend, I would drink to the fountain of words and expressions from his mouth. Especially when I am not a Sumari warrior and I have to tell a serious truth to him and expect at least one from him. Would you not?
* This manuscript is a handwritten manuscript of Arab rhetoric, available for sale at ebay here.
Mystic illumination vs. Speculative thought
"I spent a good day in Cardoba at the house of Abu Walid Ibn Rushd. He had expressed a desire to meet me in person, since he had heard of certain revelations I had received while in retreat and had shown considerable astonishment concerning them. In consequence, my father, who was one of his close friends, took me with him on the pretext of business, in order to give Ibn Rushd the opportunity of making my acquaintance. I was at the time a beardless youth. As I entered the house the philosopher rose to greet me with all the signs of friendliness and affection, and embraced me. Then he said to me "Yes!" and showed pleasure on seeing that I had understood him. I, on the other hand, being unaware of the motive for his pleasure, replied, "No!" Upon hearing this, Ibn Rushed drew back from me. His colour changed and he seemed to doubt what he thought of me. He then put to me the following question, "What solution have you found as a result of mystical illumination and divine inspiration? Does it concide with what is arrived at by speculative thought?" I replied, "Yes and no. Between the Yea and the Nay the spirits take their flight beyond bodies." At this Ibn Rushd became pale and I saw him tremble as he muttered the formula. "There is no power save from God." This was because he had understood my allusion."
Ibn 'Arabi,
'Futuhat', I, P. 153.
What role can memory play in creativity?
I can describe it.
'I am walking down a workplace hall. I hear a guy listening to a Bach tune on his computer, which coincidentally I too have heard more than once. It involves Organ music. But as I reach nearer and nearer to his open cabin, the music starts changing into non-monotonous beeps of a Photocopy machine. Finally, as I cross him, I realize that it 'was' a photocopier dubbed by my senses as Mr. Mozart! And instantly, the creative part of the story emerges, I imagine a sitcom taking birth out the what I had just experienced, as an irony: Modern photocopier playing, with its non-monotonous beeps, a classical, out-of-date Mozart tune with actors (i.e. workers) acting as Orchestra team members in a conventional hectic workplace?'
Details can be worked out. And it can be funny. One must be an opmistic.
However, there is a serious fault in this kind of intuitive and spontaneous process; which is of lack of 'originality'. This is so because nothing lies outside the memory. Nothing. Such scenes have often been acted upon in various serials, dramas, films, etc. And this observation can lead one to conclude, one way or another, that after all no artistic, creative piece of work can be totally original, in absolute terms.
Faiz: A Legend of Letters
A few days before yesterday, was Faiz's birthday. You may be asking, why at this late hour - remembrance? I am more than just happy to tell you the reason for it, because that would not be a reason, rather a matter of (childish) proud. I am lazy, so was Faiz. I am weak in Mathematics, and so was he. I am happy I have found two ample reasons to relate myself to that soothing voice. And I did wrote something in time to celebrate for God's mercy and Faiz's courage, conscious human endeavor. But I have lost that nice essay I wrote on him, as it was but a fledgling set of intuitions. And roaring, creative intuitions often do fail to crystallize themselves if not gripped with iron hands - their spontaneity is simply uncontrollable.
Therefore, having lost an original piece of work, I still wish to celebrate the legend and in order to relive the legend I can only reproduce a few magic words of pain and healing, of yours and mine - Faiz. The Faiz of Faiz. All Hail.
(About this poem 'City of Lights'. Once Faiz was imprisoned for his political beliefs. He wrote this poem on Lahore's lights from his prison cell, during that certain period.)
The greenery is drying in a pallid afternoon;
Parched walls are wet hued with a lonely prison.
Far to the heart's horizon shrinks, rises, falls again
The fog of an undimmed grief, a heavy tide;
And yet behind this fog rises the City of Lights.
-O, City of Lights-
Who can tell how to attain your illuminated paths?
Here, in broken light, in nights of separation,
Listless you see sitting the soldiers of desire.
U.S. Senate Nods to Obama's Economic Stimulus Plan
"A $787 billion economic stimulus package got 60 votes, the minimum needed, in the Senate, readying it for the signature of President Obama. Earlier, it had cleared the House easily."
Read More Here:
Thou Shall Write
Truth & Power
"Allah, Allah! That's Allah!"
A Mystery
Master or PhD? That is the Question!

5 Humble Ways of Pre-writing
Family I Deserve
thought of the day - little learning, more power

"Acquire knowledge. It enables its possessor to distinguish right from wrong; it lights the way to heaven; it is our friend in the desert, our society in solitude, our companion when friendless; it guides us to happiness; it sustains us in misery; it is an ornament among friends, and armor against enemies."
War of Aphorisms
Bible's Version in the Language of Prophet Jesus Found

The manuscript was found in a police raid on suspected antiquity smugglers. Turkish Cypriot police testified in a court hearing they believe the manuscript could be about 2,000 years old.
The manuscript carries excerpts of the Bible written in gold lettering on vellum and loosely strung together, photos provided to Reuters showed. One page carries a drawing of a tree, and another eight lines of Syriac script."
Read Full Story Here.
Don't mess up Pronouns
How I Moved On
The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam by M. Iqbal

The book starts with the most penetrating questions and yet they're not: very penetrating to a deeply reflecting mind, but not to an unconscious one. For instance, he starts the first lecture, or chapter, of the book by expressing his own deep philosophical perplexing queries: "What is the character and general structure of the universe in which we live? Is there a permanent element in the constitution of this universe? How are we related?" The book is immensely philosophical, and is an effort to address these philosophical questions from the viewpoint of religion Islam and its authentic classical sources, primarily Qur'an and Prophetic traditions of the Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.).
I have found it to be a very resourceful book, not limiting itself to a particular domain of knowledge. For instance, this book points to the origins of philosophy of atomism based on Qur'anic injunctions in Islam - a subject very pertinent to physics and chemistry science students. (You can read an extract from the book here on atomism by a Muslim school of thought.) The book heavily relies and takes constant inspiration from the Holy Qur'an and Hadith of Prophet, and as well from the classical and contemporary Muslim metaphysical sources. It seems as if the writer wants to shed off the treasures of Islam to the whole world, so as to enlighten it.
(See the comments section.)
MuddleHead Signs Off!!