A psychiatrist, who also teaches human behaviour to MBAs, was informing my curious self: "If a child is raised in a cave with animals, says dogs or lions, and he never comes in contact with humans, he would behave as dogs or lions. The natural instinct of morality would become dormant owing to the dominant environment. But if you take out the same uncultured human being from this animalistic environment and put into human environment, he'd again start behaving as humans. All those moral instincts of shame, cleanness would return. On the other hand, if you take dogs and lions out of their wild environment and attach 'em with humans, they won't stop behaving as dogs and won't behave as humans!"
What does this suggest to you?
5 years ago
3 did criticisms:
I think it not only reaffirms the human status of Ashraf-ul-Makhlooqat, but it also highlights the fact that having the rights seeds in them, humans instinctively respond to the call of the environment penetrating the very depths of their souls to lift their better and higher sides up. Yet when they resist,deviate or go wilder than animals, it shows they do it consciously no matter how hard they deny it, and are not blameless, as is indeed written in one Sura: Bal -il-insaan ala nafihi baseerah. Wa lau alqaa ma'azeerah.
the fact that having the rights seeds in them, humans instinctively respond to the call of the environment penetrating the very depths of their souls to lift their better and higher sides up.
SubhaanAllah! And can aap give reference to that Ayah?
It is from al-qiyamah in juz 29
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