I only to need to say that I testify these are the children of Swat currently designated as IDPs...
"I think therefore God is"
"Do not seek for the truth by means of men; find first the truth and then you will recognize those who follow it."Al-Ghazali further explains, "Honey does not become impure because it may happen to have been placed in the glass which the surgeon uses for cupping purposes. The impurity of blood is due, not to its contact with this glass, but to a peculiarity inherent in its own nature; this peculiarity, not existing in honey, cannot be communicated to it by its being placed in the cupping-glass; it is therefore wrong to regard it as impure. Such is, however, the whimsical way of looking at things found in nearly all men. Every word proceeding from an authority which they approve is accepted by them, even were it false; every word proceeding from one whom they suspect is rejected, even were it true. In every case they judge of the truth according to its professors and not of men according to the truth which they profess, a ne plus ultra of error. Such is the peril in which philosophy involves its opponents."
I can't write what I mean; I can't say what I mean; but I want you to know what I mean.
I don't know whether they intend to be funny or not.
Progress no; hope yes. Or better be: 'Hope yes; Progress no' - the very title of an interesting article on the comparison between Traditional world view and Moderns' by Houston Smith in his Forgotten Truth, the book. Nonetheless, I have found myself as never 'progressing' in any matter of high importance to me. I have always found myself, when in growth, to be regaining the innocence of childhood, becoming as pure as I was. I contemplate Insan al-Kamil (Universal or Perfect Man) in the innocence and uprightness of adolescents. No progress. I wish to repeat what T.S. Eliot said meaning by: "the wave of future will be a return to the past," as Houston Smith puts it:
There is only the fight to recover what has been lost
And found and lost again and again.
Change is life; innovation not, as such.
We sometimes come to like certain people, and care a lot about them, even if they do not pay heed to us at all, but we keep loving them. Actually. There's a bond between these souls, a bond that was created in the metacosmic world of which we unconscious in the microcosm, this lowest world in the hierarchy of realms. The souls must reunite, but not necessarily in this world. (The thought originally belongs to someone else, but felt, I think, by many.)
There's rule and there's essence. Essence predominates the rule even if it's defined by the very rule.
The thing 'to act' is as spontaneous as action itself. The process is calculated. Only healthy imagination can support correct action, not a lethargic and (too) skeptical one.