That's a question i have to answer myself only. For following reasons i believe Imran Khan should lead Pakistan:
1. He understands troubled Tribal Areas more than any other mainstream politician (apart from ANP or JUI may be) - her mother belonged to Waziristan and he travelled each and every village to record about these fascinating people in a book in 1990s
2. Wikileaks leaked his meeting with US ambassadors and this is the bottomline: War of terror in Pak is wrong, Pak should get out of here and he (IK) 'would shoot down drones if come in power'
3. Most importantly, he doesn't need politics for "self-fulfillment" (although self-fulfillment is a more positive word).
Apart for million other personal, social, religious, intellectual and above all academic wishes, I wish to have a large number of children of various elements, of various colors, "circuit boards," temperaments - differing on various kinds of continuum... Sounds really funny...
Allah says in Quran to proclaim His favors. It should be our discourse to tell about blessings he has bestowed on us. Today i feel inner happiness; the same old boring environment looks fresh, lively and joyous. How could it not be: today, it is reported, Prophet Muhammad came into this world.
Previous many days have only produced compound sadness. Main source of it has been writings of modernized Muslims who are completely ignorant of their own religious Tradition*. They are mocking their religion, final Divine Guidance from on high, and culture... They suffer from deep inferiority complex about their sacred history, culture and are hopeless of Qur'an, latter is also a state of many religious-minded people. They are borrowing failed Western models, especially in Social Sciences. Their minds are suffering from the blight of modernism and rationalism 'for which their hearts and minds have been eclipsed'. _________ * Please see this article (click on it) to know what we mean by Tradition.
I will not back down, I am victorious in the battle as well as in the propaganda (media)
- A Taliban soldier singing on radio while attacking US convoys
Paul Refsdal, a Norwegian journalist, went into Taliban when they were fighting against Russian invading forces back in 1980s. He visited them again in 2010-11, only because he was not allowed to do that for ten years since the war began. (That shows how tight the control of media has bee in the hands of Western powers.) The difference today is that in 1980s Western media backed Taliban hugely, for they were freedom fighters. But now, when they defend their country against US and western imperial forces, they are demonized below human beings, and become terrorists and absolute fanatics.
For Refsdal, this overnight change in the media propaganda was intriguing. Being a journalist, he could bet there must be another version of current affairs. The difference between him and westernized creatures in areas like Pakistan is that he decided to put his life to risk and find out the truth for himself. He was able to know more deeply at least one important Taliban commander, whom he met in 1980s: Qari Darwan, who owned a lot of property before joining Taliban. Dawran, may Allah protect him if he still has not achieved martyrdom, to me has led an archetype just war or jihad. Mentoring his warriors, he said to them:
Be just. God appreciates justice ... We are fighting for freedom, for Islam and for our holy land. What are their [intruders, US et al.] goals? Are they oppressed? Have they been treated unfairly? Do they have dictatorships [in their countries]?
When Refsdal was kidnapped by 'a wild card' of Dawran after his group disbanded the area, it was Dawran who, even in his physical absence, used all means to free Paul without having anyone to pay ransom for him.
Refsdal mentions at the end of film that Dawran's two little children, below 3 years to me, were killed by US Special Forces in an attempt to kill the commander! During Paul's last night with Dawran, a commander working under D was attacked, leaving him and his whole family, women and children martaryed by US forces... I leave it up to the viewers of documentary made, embedded below, for what kind of military commander he is/was; and what kind of war Americans are fighting there.
I need a super-shield against the force of overriding effects of books by humans. I do want my perception to grow at a rate equal to an expl...
Heart's Testification
Truly, all praise belongs to (God), we praise Him, seek His help and His forgiveness; And we seek refuge with Allâh from the evil of our selves and from our misdeeds. Whomsoever Allâh guides, none can [cause to] deviate; and whomsoever He [causes to] deviate, none can guide. I testify that there is no deity [worthy of worship] except Allâh, He is alone, having no partners, and I [further] testify that is His slave and His [final] Messenger.
Misplacement of Comedy
About this Blog
'Ah hello! its nice to see you (all) here. By now the (more) perceptive of you realised, this is hell. And, I'm the devil. But you can call me Toby, if you like to. We try to keep things informal here as well as infernal. That's just a little joke of mine, I tell it everytime'.