A scholar once said that do following three things to remove sickness of heart:
* Visit the sick.
* Go to funerals.
* Go to graveyards.
Beyond doubt these actions soften hearts even if we are contemplating these, the latter action however is too meager to be called an action...
5 years ago
5 did criticisms:
So true.
What does 'sickness' of heart mean?
Focusing on the suggested remedies, it is clear what the sickness of hearts means: Indifference to one's and the world's Finiteness, blind love of the Material, and the Hardness of heart against empathy for suffering that naturally follows from the previous two.
Are these the only remedies?
The quote didn't mention that. Neither do I feel if they're the only ways as the world of heart is very great, the doors through which Satan enters it uncountable, hence the remedy to each disease, says Al-Ghazali, would require a book (The Marvels of Heart, by Al-Ghazali)...
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