Ceremoniously !
First thing first. I miss good old days of blogging! But after my previous blog Umer Toor Blog (1) was hacked, I couldn't get into the rhythm.
But, recently, I received a streak of comments on previous blog to do more, and keep updating posts. I feel compelled to start again!
There's so much i miss out that ought to be published here, just for myself though :P
Blogging has been so rewarding, to say the least. Reward: knowing a niche of rare people who like to reflect and are pure from the profanities and various illness of modern times... I want to be in touch with them, it helps walking straight on the straight path... And as the caption reads on the top right header, this is the purpose of this blog: Few mid-day breaks can suffice for this celestial purpose that uplifts my soul...
5 years ago