
Illusion and Reality

If God wills it, plain as it is, after every delusion there is light. But I cannot think of delusion following light (awareness, knowledge, etc.), because after light there can be only light, more light or nothing. Why 'nothing'? As Imam al-Ghazali puts it, knowledge with no action is nothing. It's nothing. O Allah! Give me light (noor), give light to my eyes, give light to my tounge, to my ears; light to my right, to my left, light in front and behind me, give light to my qalb (heart). Give us the Light O our Generous Lord! Ameen.

2 did criticisms:

Salman Latif said...

Very well-said.
Imam completed the notion by adding the 'nothing' part. For oftentimes, abandoning the light or it's completeness results in this nothing.

Naeema Akram-Jehanzeb said...


May we never be led astray after having stepped on to the Right path...

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