The question of this discussion demands, before anyone comments on it, that we must have a deep understanding of the content of this book. Even lacking this prerequisite, I'll not stop from commenting on it.
I have perplexing questions about the 1st three (3) habits, because I've only touched these ones. And, I don't feel shy publishing their fury.I too realise, as some others have - I am a reactive person. After reading a lengthy, tedious and dense habit no. 1, I have seen in the light of my small experiences that it is easy starting doing something to create a change. This happens because the real enemy is spotted and teh friend discovered (identifying one doesn't let the opposite go undetected). And, I think, there lies a victory on the part of the author for he has shown other 'selfs' to identify their enemies and friends. Thus the conscious reader starts thinking and doing to bring about a change. All they have to believe in, as Obama says, "Yes, We Can!" And, to my knowledge, the problems this book (7 Habits, of course) address to are not unique to humans. They are old-age, but not out of order. Some are (this book focus on) perennial, some may not be.
Turing back to what interests me more, on this forum - My problems with the 3 chapters. I fear I don't have capacity to mention all of them here (imagine how idiot I am). But I will share what I am discussing with others these days.My 1st problem for today is - bringing a change in (a pathetic) situation which goes against my interests, and I realise it, through an independent will (the latter this the only hope in Stephen's eyes), even when all perceptions are clear!AS all of you know, Covey says that in order to change a situation, you need to change your perceptions. My perceptions anout the problem, do not doubt are clear.
No change yet!
Example: I made some years ago a contract with God, The Absolute, that for Him only I will wake up early in the morning around 5-6 am to meet Him under the tense but refreshing canopy of earth. You can understand how big this priority is, of course if you are not a secular fundamentalist who abhors what was beyond and before the Big Bang. As a matter of fact, I say this regretfully, that I didn't meet Him in several years for time period more than 5 months. And, even that's an exaggeration. If there is no quick fix, where is the sluggish fix that 'shall last for eternity'? How I can change this situation- remember the compulsion- how do I change this situation .... beginning first in the mind? Such that .... mind triggers or initiates the .... movement .... and then comes 'action to commitment' period? (Managers always work under compulsions.)
Take the people around you, not to blame or hurt anyone. But first please answer me. Is Not 'Perception' About Objective, Adequate, Full, Deep and Correct knowledge of the reality? If it is not in your opinion, please re-read the book.Take the world now: Many knowledgable persons who know so much act against what they know of. AS you may find (I have found) the knower of law exploding what is legal and what is lawful; you'll find a doctor who smokes, he the one who warned me not to touch it . Mention an evil, lo! they, the intelligent, knowledgable beings the ultimate man, has surpassed it. Many CSS officers had become criminal minded. DO they not see? DO they not know the complex implications of their immoral actions on their own self and on the large society? Where lies the difference?
Sticking to correct moral principles and its logic can be the only solution, as Covey would like to agree. Because, he quoted Cecil b. deMille saying,"It is impossible for us to break the law. We can only break ourselves against the law."
The discussion has to come to an end. Yet, I am sceptic about the mechanisms of bringing the change, maybe I am not clear about the practical ones, suggested in the 'Habits'. I also do not demand the ready-made quick fix pills. I believe in revolutions, small revolutions, big revolutions, results of constant meditations and actions, actions and meditations. The question that I could not solve I leave that up to you to solve for me, yourself and others: Where's the tipping point? Where lie those small changes that trigger off to make big changes?
5 years ago
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